Godzilla Tribute Band

Godzilla is the queen of monsters, but also one of the biggest icons of pop culture in general. It first appeared in a Japanese film directed by Ishiro Honda in 1954 and has been the subject of thirty-six films, numerous video games, comic books, novels and TV series. We read the original Godzilla as poetry, and it has served us as a reference point for all fears, destructions and impending ends… impending.

The Godzilla Tribute Band is a collective assembled to save the world. Because we want to. Because we have to. We hold a mirror up to the world. Actually, it’s not a mirror that we hold up. It’s much more than that. We are much more than that. We are the creators of the universe. Masters of the ritual that is being created before your eyes. The storytellers of the story we have to share with the rest of the world. Guardians of the weak, the forgotten and the misunderstood. We are the mattock of social change. That is why the world has no choice but to listen to us. And finally grow up.

You will find us on the sly. In a shelter. In the underground.

Godzilla Tribute Band is an original project and is a collective work of the group. It is a performance that wants to be a concert. It is a theatre of objects, cardboard boxes, cornflakes and, above all, people. It looks for inspiration in punk, old films and exaggerated pathos. You’re invited to stay for a talk after Sunday’s performance. The Assembly of the audience is on, this time moderated by Lea Kukovičič.

world rescue

Awards and festivals

  • Summer Puppet Pier, Maribor, Slovenia, 2022
  • Week of Slovenian Drama, Kranj, Slovenia, 2023
  • The 6th international festival of independent performing arts CROSSINGS, Maribor, Slovenia, 2023.
  • The international festival Twist it!, Germany, Lepzig, 2024.


Recenzija Aleksandre Saške Gruden, Dogodki in odmevi (Radio Slovenija), 16. 4. 2022


Past performances

15. april 2022 / Intimate stage GT22
16. april 2022 / Intimate stage GT22
02. june 2022 / SNG Nova Gorica
19. august 2022 / Intimate stage GT22
20. september 2022 / Glej theatre, Ljubljana
21. september 2022 / Glej theatre, Ljubljana
05. november 2022 / Intimate stage GT22
06. november 2022 / Intimate stage GT22
24. february 2023 / Intimate stage GT22
25. february 2023 / Intimate stage GT22
26. february 2023 / Intimate stage GT22
03. april 2023 / Week of Slovenian Drama, Kranj
07. october 2023 / SNG Nova Gorica

Informacije za šole

Genre: acting performance
For youth from 12 years on
Price: €5 per person
Contact: Zoran Petrovič, 040 696 586, zoran@moment.si
More cultural and arts education content can be found here.

Themes: collectivity, political (in)correctness, search for meaning, overcoming fears.
Cross-curricular integration possibilities: sociology, psychology, philosophy, ethics, music education, foreign languages, media.

Actors and co-authors:

Maja Poljanec Nemec, Miha Bezeljak, Zoran Petrovič

Directed by:



Marek Turošík and Nuša Komplet Peperko

Co-author of visual image:

Katarina Cakova

Lighting designers:

Gašper Bohinec and Andrej Firm

Set designers and designers of props and some musical instruments:

Collective of the Razvoj Maribor institute

Executive producer:

Mojca Kasjak

Public relations:

Anamarija Nađ (Moment)


Gregor Salobir

Author of the cover photo:

Andrej Firm


60 minutes


15 April 2022


Moment in collaboration with SNG Nova Gorica