Culture-art education in the field of theatre
Culture-art education in the field of theatre is an intertwining of art and education, with which we bring students closer to theatre and help them to make sense of the experience of theatrical art.
The school environment itself contains many attractive forms of learning in the field of art, but where else is learning about theatrical art more direct than in the theatre? Performances, talks and workshops are a very good tool for pedagogical and aesthetic education, with which children and youths actively get to know the theatre and the background of the theatrical creative process and production. Visiting quality and content-relevant performances and accompanying activities is an experience through which we offer young people knowledge and strengthen their cultural competencies, which are an important guide in developing into more socially responsible adults.
When working in the field of culture-art education, we participate in projects such as First scene (SNG Maribor), Kulturni dnevnik (Narodni dom Maribor) and School in culture – Playground for Theatre (Bunker Ljubljana), and our performances are also included in the catalogue of recommended theatre content The Golden Stick (project Gleda(l)išče, The Golden Stick (projekt Gleda(l)išče, Slovenian Theatre Institute). We want to base our further work on cooperation with educational institutions, as the process is more direct: we can help teachers make content more attractive and understandable for children, and open artists to understanding the needs and interests of children and youth.
In our set of performances, we combine several different theatrical elements: the spoken word, puppets, movement, dance elements and innovative staging techniques, such as combining theatre with video technologies. Many of our performances involve an interweaving of several theatrical elements simultaneously. The price of each performance includes a guided conversation with the creators (approximately 30 minutes), which addresses the topics from the performances, and we have also prepared several practical workshops. All theatrical and practical content is adapted to the age of the visitors.
To the Moon with Zvitorepec, Trdonja and Lakotnik
- for the children aged od 5 + (primary school)
The puppet show based on the comics of Miki Muster and explores the meaning and memory of a part of Yugoslav pop-cultural history and heritage.
Additional activities after watching the show: animation workshop with the help of analog and digital technology.
Topics: comics, space, analog technology, stop motion animation.
Possibilities of interdisciplinary connection: history, fine arts/education, Slovenian language.
Godzilla Tribute Band
- for youth from 12 years on
Godzilla Tribute Band is a theatre show that wants to be a concert. It wants to be punk. It wants to be underground. It wants to be on the sly. It wants to address our everyday insecurities with few words and a lot of music. Small and big catastrophes. It wants to solve them. It wants to save the world. It is deadly serious about this. And it doesn’t want to act deadly serious about it. On the contrary. It wants to make people laugh.
Topics: collectivity, political (in)correctness, search for meaning, overcoming fears.
Cross-curricular integration possibilities: sociology, psychology, philosophy, ethics, music education, foreign languages, media.
B O O M !
- for youth aged 13+ (primary and middle school)
Using various theatrical expressions, the performance imaginatively deals with a wide thematic field of fundamental philosophical, ethical, historical and scientific issues of modern humanity and problematizes the origin of the atomic bomb.
The performance is included in the catalogue of quality theatrical content for young people The Golden Stick.
Additional activities after watching the show: reflection on what is seen and a creative workshop based on the principles of original theatre.
Topics: ethics, moral dilemma, importance of science. Would the world be the same if the father of the atomic bomb had not been born?
Possibilities of interdisciplinary connection: physics, history, Slovenian language, philosophy, sociology, art, debate club, media.
Victoria 2.0
- for youth aged 13+ (primary and middle school)
The performance mixes acting, puppets and video technology in the creative process. It is aimed at questioning personal victories and identifying and solving the problems of a young individual.
The performance is included in the catalogue of quality theatrical content for young people The Golden Stick.
Additional activities after watching the show: reflection on what is seen and a creative workshop based on the principles of original theatre.
Topics: self-image, self-confidence, perfect appearance, to be accepted, to be a winner.
Possibilities of interdisciplinary connection: biology, sociology, psychology, sports, philosophy, ethics, Slovenian language, art, media.
Via Matti/Street of Fools
- for youth aged 13+ (middle school)
The performance takes a walk through our intolerances in a humorous way. It moves away from the superficial perfection we love to portray, and unfolds a world beneath the surface that is both interesting as well as unusual and bizarre. The protagonist is constantly irritated and wonders what it is that really gets on his nerves and why he feels the way he feels.
Additional activities after watching the show: reflection on what is seen and a creative workshop based on the principles of original theatre.
Topics: What is bothering me? What is getting on my nerves and why?
Possibilities of interdisciplinary connection: ethics, sociology, psychology, Slovenian language, music education, media.
Hero 2.0 – The Show of All Shows
- for youth aged 15+ (middle school)
The title The Show of All Shows is intended as a research guide. To create a performance that is basically meant to put the actor on a bare stage and use him, to the last drop of his sweat. His essence, everything he knows and can do. How to prove your excellence, your value, your talent?
Topics: competitiveness, actor, theatre.
Possibilities of interdisciplinary connection: Slovenian language, philosophy, sociology.
Hero 3.0 – More Than Words
- for youth aged 15+ (middle school)
Who and what become the Heroes, when they drive themselves beyond words? There is something there between them, they don’t dare to acknowledge. At least not aloud. That’s why they decided to end the dictate of words. Words became unnecessary and intrusive. Only on stage and in front of witnesses are they willing to cut into the unspeakable.
Topics: friendship, interpersonal relationships, dance.
Possibilities of interdisciplinary connection: Slovenian language, sociology, philosophy.
Performance commentary workshop
Following the example of sports commentary, we invite you to the radio studio to comment on performances. In front of the microphones, each person is paying attention to an individual segment of the performance:
- mise-en-scène (tactics and dynamics of acting ;))
- costume design, scenography, lighting and music (atmosphere)
- content, text template, theme and motives
- biographies of creators (a little yellow press;))
If possible, we comment on the show we watched live together. We comment in the studio at the same time as playing the video. Before we sit down in front of the microphones, preparation is necessary: a look at the colophon, possibly the playbill and critiques, and the distribution of commentary roles (moderator, professional guest, fan…).
The performance commentary format is a hybrid between description, transmission, critique, and conversation about the accompanied performance. It opens up new possibilities for ways of seeing and confronting different views, visions, perceptions and readings of performing arts.
“Good and attractive “sports commentary on theatrical performances« really requires a lot of knowledge, responsiveness, connection, accuracy and humor, as well as insights into the backstage, maybe even the privacy of the performers, because »useless trivia« moments are the ones with which sports commenting operates as well when »real content«, runs out, when there is no drama, conflict and climax in the arena.“
dr. Zala Dobovšek: What a monologue, what a goal!