GULIVER 2 – On the Island of Giants

Mini cabaret of extreme marionettes
Devised project by Barbara Bulatović

Author Jonathan Swift, a bitter satirist and pamphleteer, is striking back! Outraged by the problems and headaches he has accumulated with the publication of the first book “Gulliver’s Journey to Lilliput”, this time he decides to serve readers and viewers in another way: Gulliver arrives at a giant court where he is considered an exotic toy. He attends lavish banquets, salon parties and garden parties. He would like to prove himself and explain to the giants that he is a member of the largest and most powerful kingdom, but in vain. Nobody cares.

Performance follows the basic mission of the Society of Puppet Creators and the Bufeto Institute, which promotes the creation of quality professional production based on modern puppetry, clowning and the new circus. In this way, they are involving in international trends, which often interfere with the creative principles of puppet, movement and object theatre.

“I think my senses were too sharp in relation to my smallness.”
Jonathan Lemuel Swift

Barbara Bulatović, Silvia Viviani, Slavko Trivković
Jezdeci prostranih dimenzij
Light design:
Jaka Šimenc
Jože Suhadolnik
Society of Puppet Creators and the Bufeto Institute