
MEMORIA is a performance about memory and its loss. I used the visionary paintings of Marko Jakše, one of the most acclaimed Slovene painters, as source material to write a letter to the future us about where we are coming from. I brought the paintings to my father, a visual communication analyst, so he would read them to me. I recorded his contemplations of paintings and his ruminations on beauty, love, image, life, death, the sacred and creation that knows no end.

Sourcing from Marko’s artworks, my father’s readings of the visual material and my own performative and movement archive based on the practices of dreaming, I intertwine these as threads that weave the performance. MEMORIA is an exploration of time, for only us who perceive time, can remember. It is an exploration of imagination, for memory is impossible without it, our memory being time and experience arrested in image. It is a plunge into the visionary consciousness and a reaffirmation of experiencing from which we arise and into which we return. I dedicate it to You, Dad.

Mala Kline is a performer, choreographer and writer. Her artistic and theoretical work is embedded in the practice of dreaming. Her extensive oeuvre is based on the Saphire® dreaming techniques, which she uses to open up ingenious spaces of experience and generate semantically fluid contradictory imagery marked by atmospheric intensity. With her works she creates unique worlds weaved through the language of dreaming. Mala Kline won a series of major Slovenian awards for her choreographic works, including the Golden Bird Award (2005), Triton Award (2005, 2013), Gibanica audience award (2013, 2023) the Ksenija Hribar Award for choreography (2013) and the Ksenija Hribar Award for theory (2021) among others. She is the author of two books, Capfico: Writings From the Belly of the Whale published by Capfico/Madrid, and Theaters of Potential: Between Ethics and Politics published by Maska/Ljubljana. In 2018, she founded ELIAS 2069 institute – a school, an art residency space, an ecological farm and an outdoor spa, located in a pristine natural resort deep in the wilderness of the southern Slovenia and dedicated to education and creation through dreaming.

Past performances

06. october 2023 / Španski borci Cultural Centre, Ljubljana
07. october 2023 / Španski borci Cultural Centre, Ljubljana
14. october 2023 / Nuovo Teatro Comunale di Gradisca
27. october 2023 / Zagreb Dance Center
29. march 2024 / Maribor Puppet Theatre
10. may 2024 / Španski borci Culture Centre, Ljubljana
04. october 2024 / SNG Nova Gorica
Concept, choreography, text in performance:

Mala Kline

Set-design, light-design, costume-design and photography:

Petra Veber

Music and sound composition:

Kristijan Krajnčan

Video, video synhronization and mapping:

Hana Vodeb

Text performance:

Robert M. Hayden

Production of set-design:

Gašper Puntar

Technical direction:

Hotimir Knific


Katja Kosi

Executive production:

Ajda Kline


ELIAS 2069 in Mercedes Klein


EN-KNAP Productions (ŠpanskiBorci Cultural Center) from Ljubljana, Slovene National Theatre from Nova Gorica, Moment from Maribor, Croatian Cultural Center from Rijeka, The Zagreb Youth Theater (Zagreb Dance Center) from Zagreb, Mediterranean Dance Center from San Vincenti, ArtistiAssociati from Gorizia, Alpe Adria Alliance

Supported by Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana, Department for Culture

Thanks to Miro and Alenka Kline, Marko Jakše, Gašper Puntar and Matija Zvezdan Puntar Kline.