RESET! Sooner or later …
2030. Somewhere on Earth. The end of the world has finally come. Radiation that passed from nuclear bombs during World War III took almost all lives. There is just one place that has not been exposed to radiation and it is the only safe area in the world. Survivors are coming. This is the beginning of our story, mass migration in the future, six people with the same goal on their way to the promised land who are going through an insidious journey: salvation! The story of an utopian migration in the future that may happen to us sooner or later.
Are you ready?
Sooner or later… it can happen to you!
RESET! Sooner or later, there is a performance in the Italian production GEA – SOCIETA COOPERATIVA SOCIALE on the topic of the refugee crisis as part of the European Youth Engagement Network project. The project seeks to encourage young citizens to be active and involved in events in the European Union, to reflect on topics such as Euroscepticism, women’s rights, anti-fascist tradition, solidarity … The project takes place between five countries – Serbia, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. the main activities are theater performances on topics highlighted by the EU. The Slovenian partners of the project are Moment, MKC Maribor and the Municipality of Novo mesto.
The play was created as part of the EYE-Net project, supported by the Europe for Citizens program.