Under Construction
devised performance / Počemučka
Baker, psychic, plumber, mayor, bell-ringer. Invisible, overlooked, broken, transcendent. Community of the city and city of community. They have gathered to judge the history. History that has broken their dreams, desires, passions. Started to reign over their time. Set the rules of the game. Spread the power. Built a claustrophobic community, full of unspoken secrets. All they are left with are memories. Painful, transient, playful, blazing, loving. Past is foggy, present is slipping through their fingers, future does not exist. Everyone is waiting for a change that never comes.
Who is building a community? Who does the territory of the city belongs to? Who controls the time? How is power distributed in the society? How to put down roots, when the world is in constant becoming? How can you build the territory of possible? And where can you find a space to be playful, when spontaneity is forbidden?
Every destruction is also a creation of something new. First non-institutional project by Počemučka. Statement of some generation about some community, some time, some city, some ideas and some anti-generation. Anti-idea. “As long as we play.” Under Construction.
Awards and festivals
- 52. Teden slovenske drame, competition programme. March 2022, Kranj.
Past performances
Počemučka / Nataša Keser, Klemen Kovačič, Karolína Kotrbová, Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak, Nejc Potočan, Filip Štepec, Miranda Trnjanin
Nataša Keser, Klemen Kovačič, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak, Miranda Trnjanin
Aljoša Lovrić Krapež
Nejc Potočan
Movement consultant:
Filip Štepec
Scenography and costume design:
Karolína Kotrbová
Technical supervision:
Grega Mohorčič
Technical support:
Brina Ivanetič, Žan Rantaša
Borut Bučinel
Editor of Glej, Paper:
Tery Žeželj
Communication and PR:
Tjaša Pureber
Anja Pirnat
Gledališče Glej
Supported by:
Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Univerze v Ljubljani