Via Matti/Street of Fools

An involved pub piece between reality and illusion, sanity and madness, teran, Aperol and wine spritzer.

“Stojko? He’s my neighbour. He lives in a village on top of a hill. In this village, the houses are made of stone and the alleys between them are extremely narrow. This village has a rich tradition of placing cribs in front of houses. The task of tourists is to find all the cribs in the village. For the prize, they take part in a draw for a dinner for two at the village pub on Via Matti. Stojko is a waiter there. But he’s not here, and I am, and I desperately need coffee, a slice of ham, and a sip of teran. He’s not here and it’s getting on my nerves and this is just the first domino in an endless series of things that would need to be changed to keep my head from exploding. It is already falling and it can’t wait to knock down all the others behind it. Welcome to the storm of my synaptic connections. Welcome to the Street of Fools.”

The performance is a walk through the storm of the protagonist’s synaptic connections, while at the same time addressing all of our bigotries and intolerances. It is constantly looking for what is supreme, crucial, what gets on our nerves, what is to blame for making us feel the way we do. It is a pub-political piece, it is “Styrian yoga” in its purest essence, it is a hymn to common sense and to the only true karst teran.

The performance is a collective work of the group. It is part of the broader two-year Unplugged/Izštekani project.

styrian yoga

Awards and festivals

  • Independent Puppet Theatre Weekend, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023
  • Summer Puppet Pier Festival, Maribor, Slovenia, 2020
  • International Puppet Festival CiklCakl, St. Michael ob Bleiburg, Austria, 2018
  • Summer Puppet Pier Festival, Maribor Puppet Theater, Slovenia, 2017

Past performances

31. march 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
01. april 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
14. april 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
15. april 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
28. august 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
08. september 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
09. september 2017 / Intimate stage GT22
20. june 2018 / Hiša kulture Celje
01. june 2018 / Intimate stage GT22
02. june 2018 / Intimate stage GT22
03. september 2018 / Intimate stage GT22
08. september 2018 / Glej Theatre, Ljubljana
09. september 2018 / Glej Theatre, Ljubljana
20. october 2018 / Festival Cikl Cakl, Austria
27. june 2020 / Gosposka street 28, Maribor
05. june 2021 / Glej Theatre, Ljubljana
07. august 2020 / Vojašniški trg 6, Maribor
12. august 2021 / Vojašniški trg 6, Maribor
13. august 2021 / Vojašniški trg 6, Maribor
14. august 2021 / Vojašniški trg 6, Maribor
22. march 2022 / Lutkokaz, Osijek, Croatia
30. september 2023 / Hiša otrok in umetnosti, Ljubljana

Tilen Kožamelj


Zoran Petrovič


Marek Turošík

Set designer and author of the luminous image:

David Orešič


Andrej Firm

Set makers:

Marko Golnar, Nejc Birsa and Borut Žvorc

Technical team:

Borut Žvorc and Andrej Firm


45 minutes


31 March 2017, Intimate Stage GT22, Maribor






the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City Municipality of Maribor